
The snips-nlu library provides two CLI commands to compute metrics and evaluate the quality of your NLU engine.

Cross Validation Metrics

You can compute cross validation metrics on a given dataset by running the following command:

snips-nlu cross-val-metrics path/to/dataset.json path/to/metrics.json --include_errors

This will produce a JSON metrics report that will be stored in the path/to/metrics.json file. This report contains:

You can check the CLI help for the exhaustive list of options:

snips-nlu cross-val-metrics --help

Train / Test metrics

Alternatively, you can compute metrics in a classical train / test fashion by running the following command:

snips-nlu train-test-metrics path/to/train_dataset.json path/to/test_dataset.json path/to/metrics.json

This will produce a similar metrics report to the one before.

You can check the CLI help for the exhaustive list of options:

snips-nlu train-test-metrics --help